My computer crashed early
into the listing - hence the gaps. It only affected the items sold
in the first week of August.
Lot |
Description click on picture for
details |
3 |
Stanley 77 dowel & rod turning machine with 4 cutter heads |
4 |
Stanley 62 low angle plane super clean tool |
5 |
Stanley Bedrock 603 smoothing plane square sides |
6 |
Stanley 10 1/2 rebate plane made in USA, low knob |
8 |
Gunmetal shoulder plane with ebony infill & wedge |
9 |
Stanley 60 1/2 low angle plane plus 4 other tools |
12 |
Record 073 1 1/4" shoulder plane - heavy duty |
14 |
Pair of matching Preston sash routers |
17 |
Norris A6 smoothing plane pre-war model |
18 |
Stanley 79 side rebate plane, complete with fence in box |
19 |
Stanley 96 chisel gauge clean early model |
20 |
Stanley 140 rabbet & block plane, SW vintage |
21 |
Stanley 12 1/2 veneer scraper SW blade |
22 |
Stanley 112 scraper plane with No 32 toothing blade |
23 |
Two Stanley scrapers No 82 and 283, working set |
26 |
Record 2506 side rebate plane with fence |
27 |
Stanley 92 cabinet makers rebate plane |
31 |
Stanley 72 early model with 90% japanning |
32 |
Stanley 51 chute board and plane excellent condition |
34 |
Stanley 2C smoothing plane, low knob |
35 |
Stanley 3C smoothing plane SW vintage |
36 |
Stanley A4 aluminium smoothing plane G+ |
37 |
Stanley A5 aluminium jack plane |
38 |
Stanley Bedrock 605 1/2C scarce plane |
39 |
Stanley 10 1/4 carriage makers rebate plane |
40 |
Bedrock 604 V logo cutter |
41 |
Bedrock 604 1/2C SW logo cutter |
42 |
Stanley 55 combination plane perfect user tool |
43 |
Stanley Bedrock 605 user quality tool |
44 |
Lie-Nielsen bronze edge trimming plane |
46 |
Stanley 50 small combination plane with 17 cutters |
47 |
Bronze Rebate Shave with Stanley cutter |
48 |
9" Cast iron smoothing plane with good parallel cutter |
49 |
WS Birmingham No 4 size smoothing plane |
51 |
Stanley 97 cabinet makers edge plane |
52 |
Stanley 193 fibre board cutter plane with all 7 attachments |
53 |
Lot of cooper's tools |
54 |
Mathieson dado & moving filletster |
55 |
8 Mathieson plus one Preston moulders |
58 |
Stanley 1 Odd Jobs early model |
59 |
Stanley A6 fore plane close to fine |
60 |
Stanley 80 scraper |
61 |
Rare early American bung borer J. Kirby pat 1859 |
62 |
Stanley 57 core box plane with one set of extensions |
64 |
Stanley A78 aluminium duplex plane - scarce tool |
65 |
Stanley 90 bullnose plane made in UK |
66 |
Stanley 93 cabinet makers rebate plane made in UK |
67 |
Stanley 79 side rabbet plane made in USA |
68 |
Scarce Stanley 10 1/2C rabbet plane |
69 |
Stanley 113 early model with side wheel |
70 |
Bailey Victor 5 jack plane, very good |
71 |
Stanley 48 Tongue and Groove plane, Pat 1875 |
72 |
Stanley 5 1/2C jack plane late type |
73 |
Stanley 5C made in Can SW model |
75 |
Patternmaker's brass plane with 4 bases |
76 |
Brass copy of a Stanley 71 1/2 router |
78 |
Stanley 101 1/2 bullnose block plane scarce |
79 |
Stanley 99 side rebate plane. This model never had a fence |
80 |
Stanley 98 side rebate plane. Pat 95 |
81 |
Stanley 98 side rebate plane. Pat 95 |
82 |
Stanley 90 bullnose plane made in England |
83 |
Stanley 90J bullnose plane made in England |
84 |
Stanley 8 jointer plane made in USA |
86 |
Stanley 71 router made in England |
87 |
Record 2506 side rebate plane without fence |
88 |
Stanley 78 made in UK, complete and boxed |
89 |
Record 10 rebate plane in very good condition |
90 |
Marples X4 adjustable smoother in very good condition |
91 |
Carter C71 Australian router |
93 |
Kunz Brillant 300 smoother |
94 |
Very good vintage Record 20 circular plane |
95 |
Boker German Jack (smoothing plane) as new |
96 |
Stone Rotary Tattoo machine for larger livestock |
97 |
Silex 30 dowelling jig with 5 guides |
98 |
Kunz Brillant 300 smoothing plane in box |
99 |
Set of 5 complex moulders marked Schebel, Glen Innes |
100 |
12 1/2" gunmetal patternmakers plane with extra soles & cutters |
101 |
Bench mounted cast iron mitre box 1905 Australian patent |
102 |
Bench mounted mitre box "The Marvel" |
103 |
Bench mounted cast iron mitre box & Disston saw |
105 |
Scarce 1884 coffin screwdriver plus Yankee 75 push drill |
107 |
Massive 19 1/2" turn handle to adjust nut wrench with 4" jaw |
109 |
French wagon wrench with wooden turn handle to adjust |
110 |
S-Wrench 10", maker not clear |
111 |
1 1/2" German pipe wrench |
112 |
Chillington Arpax Fireman's axe, little used |
114 |
Eclipse 77 saw set with copy of instructions |
115 |
Elwell 7" cleaver in very good condition |
116 |
Set of 6 Joinery and Carpentry books 1940 |
117 |
Lot of two girder frame saws by Eclipse |
118 |
Two meat saws Disston & Spear and Jackson |
119 |
Brades slaters ripper in G+ condition |
120 |
Stanley 10" T bevel |
121 |
Moore & Wright 1" micrometer No 961B in case |
122 |
Two Brades hammers 3 1/2lbs and 4lbs |
124 |
Marples 9" drawknife |
125 |
Two cobblers leather sole cutters sizes 6 & 8 |
126 |
12" Wallpaper brush |
127 |
3'3" genuine Queensland Rail coal shovel |
128 |
Quality dumpy level with case & tripod by Wild Heerbrugg |
129 |
Two collectable braces Preston & Silex |
130 |
Scotch brace with cocobolo head by Johnson |
132 |
American style bung borer |
133 |
17 1/2" cooper's shave with 3" cutter |
134 |
Neat English field phone in tin case |
135 |
Stanley 95 edge trimming block plane, repainted, lacks cutter |
136 |
Stanley 95 edge plane, original condition with SW cutter |
137 |
Stanley 67 universal spokeshave, complete with 2 soles & fence |
138 |
Black Preston bullnose plane with full cutter. |
139 |
Nickel plated Preston bullnose plane with full cutter |
140 |
Preston 5/8" shoulder plane, 5" long. Scarce size |
142 |
Stanley 248 weather-strip plow plane with two cutters |
143 |
Stanley 94 butt gauge in box with instructions |
144 |
Superb little French bowl adze with 6" cutting edge |
147 |
Boxed set of Whitehouse & Sons drill bits |
149 |
Jeweller's or medical Archimedean drill |
150 |
Jeweller's 7" planishing hammer |
152 |
Joistbrace by Skinner |
153 |
Lot of five wood & brass levels from 4" - 8" |
154 |
Two Stanley clapboard markers |
156 |
Preston 4" brass mitre template |
157 |
Bronze trammels with nickel plating on bar |
158 |
Stanley 92 cabinet makers rabbet plane |
159 |
Stanley 13 from ca 1870 |
160 |
Good scraper like Stanley 12 |
161 |
Stanley 113 compass plane, clean tool |
162 |
Stanley 93 shoulder plane in very good condition |
163 |
Scarce Mathieson 10 bridle plough plane |
164 |
Very good Varville screw-stem plough plane |
166 |
Non-spark brass brace |
167 |
Stanley 80 scraper SW, fine |
168 |
Stanley 90 steel cased 1 1/2" rebate plane |
169 |
Preston shoulder/bullnose plane |
170 |
Lot of 3 Preston routers/shaves |
171 |
Australian Woodstock router, 5 inches |
172 |
Very clean, restored scarce Stanley 37 Jenny plane |
173 |
Very clean, restored scarce Stanley 37 Jenny pre-lateral |
174 |
Very clean, restored scarce Stanley 37 Jenny patent 1912 |
175 |
Jos Buck mitre plane - made by Robert Towell pre 1850 |
176 |
Stanley Bedrock 606 user quality plane |
177 |
Stanley 71 1/2 router with 3 cutters |
178 |
J.H.Ellis ebony & brass mortice gauge, G+ |
179 |
Ebony and brass mortice gauge |
180 |
4 1/2" x 2 1/2" wooden grease box with content |
181 |
Stanley No 36 six inch cast iron level |
182 |
Lot of 4 drills/screwdrivers including Yankee & Millers Falls |
183 |
Early Stanley 130 USA with patents 83 G+ |
184 |
Stanley 82 cabinet scraper |
185 |
3 Stanley gauges including rare Traut's patent |
186 |
8 small planes: Stanley, Preston, Sargent, Record etc |
187 |
Sargent 407 (#2 size) smoothing plane, fair condition |
188 |
Very collectable Record 05 SS |
189 |
Stanley Bedrock 605 1/2 jack plane, repainted G |
190 |
Stanley Bedrock 605 1/2 jack plane, original |
191 |
Stanley Bedrock 606 fore plane, repainted |
193 |
Stanley 129 Liberty Bell fore plane |
194 |
Stanley 29 transitional fore plane |
195 |
Very good complete Stanley 55 universal combination plane |
196 |
Starrett trammels, boxed |
197 |
Lot of two corkscrews with horn handles by Johnson |
198 |
London pattern annealed infill smoother with early wedge |
199 |
Coffin shaped annealed infill smoother with lever cap |
200 |
Stanley 90J made in England G+ |
201 |
Fine 15 1/2" Mathieson dovetailed steel panel plane |
202 |
Early 16 3/4" Buck dovetailed steel panel plane |
203 |
8 1/2"steel smoother with closed handle |
204 |
Dovetailed Mathieson smoother, needs work |
205 |
Spiers round sided smoother |
206 |
Spiers 13" Plane-O-Ayr panel plane with custom infill |
207 |
15 1/2"rosewood infill cast iron panel plane |
208 |
Dovetailed steel smoother with rosewood infill |
209 |
11 1/2"wood trammels, impressive |
210 |
Mathieson beech brace |
211 |
I. & H. Sorby brace |
212 |
Bedrock 605 1/2C corrugated with most japanning intact |
214 |
Bedrock 605 1/2 square sided with early lever cap VG |
217 |
Bedrock 605 jack plane with one line lever cap G+ |
218 |
Stanley 5 1/2C jack plane made in UK |
219 |
Lot of 4 brass plumb bobs |
220 |
Stanley 90 bullnose plane with pat 01 cutter |
221 |
Rare triple lever screwdriver by H.D. Smith |
222 |
Two very good Mathieson beech planes 17"& 14 |
223 |
Two sets of brass trammels 8 1/2"& 4 |
224 |
Great set of 3 mallets, two lignum vitae |
225 |
Three G+ Mathieson planes |
226 |
17" fore plane plus two patternmakers planes |
227 |
Stanley 50S small plough plane, complete in box |
228 |
Stanley 50 made in USA, boxed with 15 cutters |
229 |
Stanley 71 router made in England, complete in box |
230 |
Stanley 238 plough plane with full set of 7 cutters |
231 |
3/4"Sarjent screw box plus 6 assorted taps 1/2 - 1" |
232 |
Limited anniversary edition Stanley plane 249 of 2,000 |
233 |
Sliding box beech chamfer plane in G+ condition |
234 |
Marples BB jack plane, razee style |
235 |
Mathieson 8 plough plane with closed handle |
237 |
Nicely cleaned Mathieson 17"badger |
238 |
Mathieson Scotch brace |
239 |
Moseley 3 5/8"XX wide cornice moulder with rope hole |
240 |
Spectacular vintage 15" trammel bar |
241 |
Preston 2500 P router, complete with two fences |
242 |
Boxed Record 220 block plane |
243 |
Beech toothing plane with full length Marples cutter |
244 |
Record 405 combination plane in box |
245 |
Bailey and Stanley 57 cooper's shaves, rare |
246 |
4 Stanley spokeshaves, user tools |
247 |
Stanley 51 chute board plane with fixed frog |
248 |
Stanley 113 early model with side wheel |
249 |
Stanley 20 circular plane |
250 |
Mathieson 5 sash filletster plane |
251 |
Mathieson 7 screw-stem plough plane |
252 |
Mathieson 9B screw-stem plough plane |
253 |
Mosley sash filletster with d/t boxwood sole |
254 |
Varvill & Sons sash filletster plane |
255 |
Stanley 278 rabbet & filletster plane |
256 |
Preston adjustable hand reeder and moulding tool |
257 |
Preston adjustable circular quirk or grooving router |
258 |
Stanley 135 Liberty Bell transitional smoothing plane, restored |
259 |
Stanley 35 transitional smoothing plane, restored |
260 |
Stanley 36 transitional smoothing plane, restored |
261 |
Stanley 36 transitional smoothing plane, restored (2) |
262 |
Stanley 27 transitional jack plane, restored |
263 |
Bailey Victor 20 circular plane, G+ but no handles |
264 |
Mathieson/Davie Melbourne No 5 plough, fine |
265 |
Large D router by Weiss, Austria |
266 |
Goodell-Pratt No 5 1/2B 15" hand drill |
267 |
Lot of reamers, bung borer, flaring tool |
268 |
Vintage froe, 17" with 9"cutting edge, bevelled one side |
269 |
Brades No 2 broad hatchet, little used |
270 |
Short-handled corner drill, no markings |
271 |
Stanley 271 small router in box with paperwork |
272 |
Stanley 49 bit gauge in box, Fine |
273 |
Stanley 1 smoothing plane. Early model |
274 |
Bedrock 604 1/2C smoothing plane G+ |
275 |
Stanley 4 pre-lateral |
276 |
Stanley 82 scraper with SW cutter |
277 |
Bedrock 603 smoothing plane, clean plane with late cutter |
278 |
Bedrock 604C, smoothing plane, user |
279 |
Bedrock 604 smoothing plan. Good japanning |
280 |
Bedrock 604C smoothing plane, round sides |
281 |
Bedrock 604 smoothing plane G+ |
282 |
Stanley 148 Tongue and Groove plane, good plating |
283 |
Stanley 386 jointer fence |
284 |
Stanley 50S small plough plane, boxed, fine - almost |
285 |
Rapier 3 small plough plane in box |
286 |
Pair of side rebate planes plus a snipe |
287 |
Outstanding partial set of 9 H&R by I SYM ( 1753-1803) |
288 |
Stanley 48 T&G plane, nickel with pat 1875 on side |
289 |
Stanley 48 T&G plane type 1, restored |
290 |
Stanley 78 duplex plane made in England, boxed |
291 |
Rare double sided Bishop saw, Pat January 9, 1906 |
292 |
Stanley 140 complete with fence, user |
293 |
Prelateral Stanley 3 Very good for age |
294 |
Little used Stanley 9 1/4 block plane in box |
295 |
Stanley 39 3/8 dado. Re-painted, complete |
296 |
Stanley 39 1/2 dado. Re-painted, complete |
297 |
Stanley 39 5/8 dado. Re-painted, complete |
298 |
Stanley 39 3/4 dado. original, complete |
299 |
Stanley 15 7" block plane, early model |
300 |
Stanley 9 1/2 boxed. G+ |
301 |
1" shoulder plane with mahogany infill and wedge |
302 |
1 1/2" shoulder plane with mahogany infill and wedge |
303 |
Neat little dovetailed steel mitre plane with fine mouth |
304 |
Cast steel smoother 7" long with 2 3/8" cutter |
305 |
Stanley 12 scraper with rosewood handle, SW Can blade |
306 |
Stanley 57 corebox plane, clean, missing turnbuckle |
307 |
Stanley 200 cutter and chisel grinder (honing tool) |
308 |
Stanley 27 1/2 transitional jack plane |
309 |
Stanley 72 chamfer plane |
310 |
Stanley 72 bullnose attachment |
311 |
Sargent 1068 Tongue and Groove plane |
312 |
Chaplin's paten 1872 block plane, rough |
313 |
Stanley 15 7" block plane, VG |
314 |
Stanley 67 universal spokeshave, custom altered handles |
315 |
Custom made 12" bow saw, well made tool |
316 |
Marples 12" bow saw |
317 |
Rare Moseley patent iron sliding box chamfer plane |
318 |
Norris A72 22' beech trying plane |
319 |
10" drawknife with a twist handle - strange |
320 |
Outstanding scorp by Greaves with 6' cutting edge. |
321 |
Atkin & Sons beech plough plane |
322 |
Moseley & Son sash filletster with d/t boxwood sole |
323 |
Plough plane with ivory scales inlay |
324 |
Gage smoother in good condition. |
325 |
Stanley 82 scraper with red handle and double sided cutter |
326 |
Starrett 12" level, replaced vial |
327 |
Stanley 3C smoothing plane, surface rust will clean to G+ |
328 |
Pair of Stanley rebate planes No 180 & 191 |
329 |
Good lot of drill attachments |
330 |
Small and decorative European cooper's croze |
331 |
Lot of 3 cooper's tools for the big barrels |
332 |
Spiers 13 1/2" panel plane ready for restoration |
333 |
Small 6" stop chamfer plane |
334 |
Outstanding lot of boxwood spokeshaves by Marples & Preston |
335 |
Lot of 8 wooden spokeshaves, user quality tools |
336 |
Lot of assorted rules |
337 |
Stanley 32 one foot calliper rule plus CS Co 6 inch |
338 |
Stanley 62E plus Stanley 32 rules |
339 |
Lot of eight vintage coach maker's tools |
340 |
Scarce Preston coach maker's router |
341 |
Marples BB plough plane - mint |
342 |
Birkinshaw No 2 shipwright's adze |
343 |
Greaves cooper's jigger |
344 |
Greaves cooper's axe with old hickory handle |
345 |
Kitchen stuff, cleaver and choppers |
346 |
5 block planes, users |
347 |
Stanley 66 hand beader with 7 cutters, both fences |
348 |
Stanley 4 1/2C made in USA |
349 |
Stanley 4 USA SW G+ |
350 |
Bedrock 604C G+ |
351 |
Bedrock 604 late model |
352 |
Stanley 18 knuckle-joint block plane type 1 |
353 |
Early Stanley 18 knuckle-joint block plane |
354 |
Stanley 203 junior jack plane G+ |
355 |
Stanley 220 block plane made in UK |
356 |
Rabone 1462 3inch calliper rule G+ |
357 |
Stanley 45 combination plane, complete |
358 |
Stanley 45 floral pattern combination plane |
359 |
Stanley 45 almost complete in custom box |
360 |
Complete set of cutters for Stanley 55 universal combination plane |
361 |
Stanley 78 made in England G+ |
362 |
Stanley 40, early model, re-finished |
363 |
Stanley 40 1/2 scrub plane, lacks cutter |
364 |
Two well made caulking mallet heads |
365 |
Recent Conover USA spokeshave, new |
366 |
Two Preston spokeshaves |
367 |
Lot of 3 dowel sharpeners |
368 |
Adjustable Woods hollow auger bit |
369 |
Lot of 3 good Preston routers |
370 |
Lot of 3 good Preston sash routers |
371 |
Stanley 76 razor edge spokeshave |
372 |
Stanley 65 chamfer spokeshave with SW cutter |
373 |
Stanley 68 rabbeting shave with custom fence |
374 |
Fence and sole for Stanley 67 universal spokeshave |
375 |
Pair of gunmetal side rebate planes |
376 |
Record 311 bullnose and shoulder plane |
377 |
Stanley 30 angle divider |
378 |
Stanley 78 duplex plane made in UK G+ |
379 |
Stanley 4 SW user plane with very good rosewood |
380 |
Lot of 3 brass plumb bobs from 2 1/2" - 4 1/2" |
381 |
Lot of 3 Stanley tools |
382 |
Stanley 53 plus Stanley 60 spokeshaves |
383 |
Stanley 55 hollow face spokeshave plus 65 chamfer shave |
384 |
Scarce Stanley 75 razor edge spokeshave |
385 |
Stanley 75 bullnose plane, SW cutter |
386 |
Two 75 bullnose planes |
387 |
Stanley 93 butt gauge, complete |
388 |
4" brass anvil |
389 |
6" brass trammels, complete with keepers |
390 |
8 1/4 Australian Gregsteel drawknife |
391 |
12" Marples drawknife, dated 1884 |
392 |
6" James Howarth drawknife |
393 |
6" drawknife marked Kent |
394 |
Small plough plane by Marples |
395 |
Millers Falls cigar shave |
396 |
Sash filletster Popple, Sheffield G+ |
397 |
Lot of wooden moulding tools |
398 |
Tobacco cutter on wooden stand |
399 |
Tobacco cutter on wooden stand |
400 |
Scarce Preston 6" shave |
401 |
Preston spokeshave and Preston rabbeting router |
402 |
Stanley 70 box scraper |
403 |
Mixed lot of marking and mortice gauges |
404 |
Large 18 1/2" try square, ebony & brass, rare |
405 |
Two good roofing squares, Stanley and Sargent |
406 |
Stanley 4 1/2 Pat 92 plane |
407 |
Two Stanley fibre board planes - one partial |
408 |
Stanley 182 & 190 rebate planes, re-painted |
409 |
Four leatherworking tools |
410 |
Interesting lot set of saw setting tools |
411 |
Stanley 52 chute board, complete!! |
412 |
Bedrock 608C in very good condition |
413 |
Bedrock 608 flat side, re-painted |
414 |
Bedrock 608C round sided, re-painted |
415 |
Stanley 8 low knob in very good condition |
416 |
Bedrock 607 flat sides, Stanley lever cap |
417 |
Bedrock 607 flat sides, Bedrock lever cap |
418 |
Bedrock 607C flat sides, Bedrock lever cap |
419 |
Stanley 7 jointer plane made in England |
420 |
Metallic Plane Co 20 1/2" jointer, adjustable mouth |
421 |
Bedrock 606 fore plane, re-painted |
422 |
Stanley 6 fore plane made in USA, late model |
423 |
Stanley 6C low knob |
424 |
Smoother, block plane and Irish pattern chariot plane |
425 |
Lot of 4 well made tools including ebony T square |
426 |
Lot of five tools, including hoop driver, plumber's tools etc |
427 |
Lot of five try squares 6" - 12" |
428 |
Lot of sixe early screwdrivers |
429 |
Lot of 14 carvers |
430 |
Lot of 12 chisels and gouges |
431 |
Lot of callipers and dividers |
432 |
Lot of squares and bevels |
433 |
Lot of mortice chisels etc. |
434 |
Lot of screwplates etc. |
435 |
Bookbinder's roller |
436 |
Hardness tester, fire extinguisher and oiler |
437 |
Lot of small screwdrivers etc |
438 |
Lot of small tools |
439 |
Gage smoother, good handle, lacks cutter |
440 |
Stanley 190 plus brass copy of Stanley 181 |
441 |
Stanley 71 1/2 router plus cutters |
442 |
Stanley 113 compass plane, stripped |
443 |
Three wide profile moulders |
444 |
Lot of four dado planes including scarce 3/16" |
445 |
Early Gabriel moving filletster |
446 |
Scarce Mathieson glass check plane |
447 |
Holbrook moving filletster in good condition. |
448 |
Mathieson moving filletster |
449 |
Lot of 19 Mathieson Hollows and Rounds |
450 |
Mixed lot of Mathieson planes |
451 |
9 assorted Mathieson beading planes |
452 |
8 assorted beading planes by various English makers |
453 |
15 assorted H&R by various English makers |
454 |
Lot of six sash profile moulders |
455 |
Nurse sash profile plane with nicker |
456 |
Two reeding plans plus two cock beads |
457 |
Lot of 20 assorted wooden planes |
458 |
Two dado planes 1/2 & 7/8 |
459 |
Lot of three Marples planes with decal on side |
461 |
Stanley 22 transitional smoothing plane, R&L markings |
462 |
Stanley 23 transitional smoothing plane, eagle trademark |
463 |
Stanley 24 transitional smoothing plane, R&L markings |
464 |
Stanley 24 transitional smoothing plane, eagle trademark |
465 |
Stanley 122 Liberty Bell smoother, late model |
466 |
Stanley 122 Liberty Bell smoother, early |
467 |
Stanley 24 transitional smoother, eagle trademark |
468 |
Stanley 24 transitional smoother, eagle trademark |
469 |
Stanley 35 transitional smoother |
470 |
Stanley 35 early pre-lateral with solid brass nut |
471 |
Liberty Bell 127 jack plus 129 fore plane |
472 |
Plated Sheffield brace |
473 |
Mathieson 11 sash filletster, lacks inner nuts |
474 |
Set of Mathieson plough plane cutters 1-8 very good |
475 |
Set of Mathieson plough plane cutters 1-8 very good |
476 |
Set of No 1-8 plough plane cutters, various makers |
477 |
Set of No 1-8 plough plane cutters, various makers |
478 |
Set of No 1-8 plough plane cutters, various makers |
479 |
Parallel cutters plus toothing iron |
480 |
Two Stanley levels 16" & 18" |
481 |
Stanley 78 made in USA, complete |
482 |
Stanley 78 made in USA, complete |
483 |
Bedrock 605 SW cutter |
484 |
Bedrock 605 1/2 jack plane, repainted |
485 |
Carter C54 plough plane with set of cutters |
486 |
Stanley 23 smoothing plane |
487 |
Stanley 24 smoothing plane |
488 |
Stanley 24 smoothing plane |
489 |
Stanley 45 combination plane with partial cutter set |
490 |
Record 405 parts plane |
491 |
Auxi tower for Stanley 55, complete |
492 |
Stanley 147 T&G plane |
493 |
Complete Stanley 67 universal spokeshave |
494 |
Stanley 66 beader with 5 cutters |
495 |
Stanley 80 scraper with SW cutter |
496 |
Stanley 5 1/2 jack plane with good new wood |
497 |
Two Germanic (Austrian) style planes with push/pull handles |
498 |
Five very good Mathieson planes including 1 1/4 torus bead |
499 |
Tow scarce Mathieson planes 6" and 12" |
500 |
Fine Bedrock 606 jack plane |
501 |
Fine Stanley 4 1/2 low knob Pat 92 |
502 |
Bedrock 603 round sides |
503 |
Stanley 4 prelateral smoothing plane |
504 |
Bedrock 604 1/2C smoothing plane |
505 |
4 Stanley 720 socket chisels plus two Ward |
506 |
Clarence Blanchard's Antique Trader Tools Price Guide |
...... and that's your
bloomin' lot! |