Stanley planes by numbers 180, 181, 182

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Stanley 180 Rabbet Plane

offered 1886 - 1918

8" long with a 1 1/2 inch cutter


Stanley 181 Rabbet Plane

offered 1886 - 1918

8" long with a 1 1/4 inch cutter


Stanley 182 Rabbet Plane

offered 1886 - 1918

8" long with a 1 inch cutter

Rebate (or rabbet) planes 180,181 & 182 only survived until WW1. The models are identical except for the width. None of them had spurs or fences, just a depth stop. Stanley offered more advanced planes for cutting rabbets & filletsters in the 190s series. Model numbers are cast in side. Type 1 has a decorative cap screw and Traut's patent 11/18/1884 on the cutter. As far as I can recall, all models have the  ivy handle decoration. All planes of the 180s series are harder to find than the 190s series planes.

ca 1886-1905




ca 1905-1910

ca 1910 - 1918

180s models had a depth stop. It is often missing, as in the plane pictured above.  I also encountered some with incorrect cutters, usually ground-down versions from larger rebate planes.

