Stanley planes by numbers 41

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Stanley 41  Millers Patent Adjustable Plough Plane

offered 1871 - 1897

10 1/2" long with a set of 11 cutters


One of the most attractive planes in the Stanley range. Has limited use, the 45 can do a lot more for a lot less.
Cutters are often missing. New replacement cutters sell on the internet.
Early models are japanned, late models nickel plated. Ornate floral pattern shows up best with black finish. Re-paints turn out well if you paint, then sand the surface back to metal so that only the paint in the grooves remains. (use a sanding block)

Filletster bed: measure between the centres of both screw holes in the skate to make sure it will fit. Not all filletster beds are the same.


 not all models have the additional wrap-around fence. If they do make sure the fence is free of repairs, especially on the weak spots indicated in the picture