Stanley 66 hand beader
offered 1886 - 1941
Early models were black japanned, later typ es nickel
plated. Comes with two fences, one for round- the other for straight
Cutters are interchangeable with the 72 1/2 beading
attachment or the 69 hand beader. With the exception of the router bit
they are not marked Stanley. New replacements are ok but thicker than
the original and therefore lack the spring you need for any scraping
function. If you want perfect replacements that look like the originals, cut them out of an old saw blade.
1 bead

bead1/4& 5/16"
3 bead
fluting: 3/16 &1/4"
5double and
triple reed
6 triple and
quadruple reed
7 router,
8 blank
early model, black with brass screw |