Stanley planes by numbers 71 & 71½

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Stanley 71 router

offered 1884-1973

7 1/2" long with
3 cutters 1/4", 1/2" & V-shape
earliest model had a closed throat see 71 1/2

One of the few Stanley tools that sells equally well in the English or the American version. In fact, I think most users prefer the later type English version.
Early American models were black japanned, nickel plated after ca 1890.
Opt for the later model with the fence. Fence and depth stops are often missing, so are the cutters; there should be three.




Rabbet Spokeshave in brass has the same number as the 71 router. A fairly rare tool. Original fence is often missing.




Stanley 71 ½ router

offered 1896 - 1950
7 1/2" long with 3 cutters

Modification of the 71 with closed throat. In typical Stanley style, the half number was used for an old model, re-marketed as a new tool. The earliest 71 had a closed throat. Ten years later the 71 1/2 took its place.
Early models were nickel plated, late models black japanned
Early models have no provision for a fence.

late model came with a fence