Stanley planes by numbers 85

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Stanley 85 cabinet maker's scraper plane

offered 1904 - 1935

8"  long with   2 "  cutter

tilting handle and knob, similar to the 10 1/4.

In the 90s you couldn't get one for under A$1,500. This is another plane that lost half of its value with the advance of internet auctions. I wouldn't call it common but if you want one you won't have to wait too long.

The tilting handles are an interesting feature, the fixed position/angle of the cutter is far less impressive. I frankly don't see why anybody would purchase this plane as a user. Stanley had far cheaper and far more versatile tools in their arsenal.

Often missing the original cutter that is unique to this plane. It's shaped like a rebate cutter with a narrow top and a wider bottom end.